Jonathan Neville

Jonathan Neville

Ninja Trainer


Jonathan Neville is a rock climber. He found the sport in 2012 and has been obsessed ever since. After earning a BS in Adventure Education, Jonathan traveled and lived in numerous climbing destinations across the States. He has worked as a climbing coach, climbing guide, wilderness therapy guide, kayak guide, challenge course facilitator, route equipper/setter, and outdoor educator. Currently, he lives in his hometown of Ballston Lake NY, only minutes away from Saratoga Ninja Lab.

Jonathan loves all forms and styles of rock climbing, but excels in steep, dynamic/gymnastic climbs. He also has experience in tumbling and competitive diving. He has always been something of a climbing/ninja hybrid. He is excited to bring his experience and passion for climbing to the Saratoga Ninja Lab community.

(He is also very excited to climb in the gunks)

Pre-registration is recommended.

Trouble registering online? Our Ninjas are standing by for speedy assistance at
(Please do not register using the app.)

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